The Age Of Cooperation
The Dawn Of The Age Of Cooperation

  Please read latest update
    Globalisation has meant the easy movement of capital with money inevitably flowing to the nations which offer the best opportunities to maximize returns.   This increasingly forces nations into destructive competition with each other to secure capital and jobs with the inevitable destructive sacrifice and degradation of social and environmental conditions.
Globalisation has therefore made National leaders and governments impotent and the majority of the Worlds population can only look forward to ever increasing austerity.
It is clear that a better way forward has to found with an alternative to the monetary system to avoid disaster.

    It really is a crazy world, everything seems to be upside down, inside out or back to front.   Lies are sold as the truth.   We've reached the stage where the opposite of what we're told appears to be more plausible and more like the truth!

In the 60s we had flower power, the Beatles, computers were increasingly being used, and it was thought to be the beginning of " The Age of Aquarius ".   Machines were slowly taking over the boring jobs which would liberate people.   It was widely believed that in a relatively short time we would only have to work a couple of days a week and we could look forward to lots of time to enjoy life.   They were very idealistic and optimistic times.
The reason why these dreams didn't come true is difficult to understand.   We got the machines but it seems that the liberated work force was taken up in a rapidly increasing service industry and in particular advertising, sales and financial services.   Could it be that all this was planned?   If we had time to think maybe we would realize the truth of what was really going on.

Compared with 50 years ago the youth of today are definitely more bored, unhappy and lacking in vitality.   Have we all been led to believe that we are inadequate, and incapable of thinking and doing things for ourselves.   We are constantly told what to think, say and do by so called experts.   Laws are passed to make sure we do as we are told.   Its sounds more like state control!
Interestingly a new psychological tricks unit,   the "Cabinet Office's Behavioral Insight Team",   has been set up by our UK Government to alter the way we behave and think!   See article in " The Independent " and a later article in " The UK Column ".

Health and Safety and Political Correctness deny our children the important experiences of life, such as danger, respect, honor, companionship, compassion, affection, comradeship, community etc.   They are told about these experiences and can imagine them, but will rarely know them and therefore have genuine references to formulate their views and life.

We are being dumbed down by chemicals in our food, drinking water, and the air we breath.   For instance, we are told that fluoride is added to our drinking water to prevent tooth decay.   Interestingly fluoride was used by Nazis and Soviet Union to pacify political dissenters and inmates of various institutions.   See articles " fluoride " and " Fluoride in Water Linked to Lower IQ in Children ".
It is said that we only use 10% of our brain and 95% of our DNA is junk DNA.   Surely, if this is the case, we must have used 100% of both our brain and DNA at some stage or it wouldn't be there.
Is our present usage of our brain and DNA an indication of how much we've been dumbed down?   I can only conclude that we are potentially far more intelligent, capable and powerful than we believe we are and somehow we no longer know and use our true abilities!

Recently I was delighted to find a video which I would like to share with you.   Please watch this video " The Story of Stuff ".
It seems to me that our resources ( oil, gas, metal ores, people etc ) are very precious, and it is essential that we produce stuff that is designed to last and can be easily recycled into new stuff when no longer required.   I can hear our leaders saying " that's going to cost too much, we don't have the money ".

    It appears that times are changing and nobody can stop the truth coming out .. or .. is it part of the intended plan?   Have the elite controllers become so arrogant and beleive that they have complete control and nothing can be done about it?   Leaks and exposures create an ever increasing sense of hopelessness and helplessness!   Do The Powers That Be beleive this will create a more controlled and compliant population who will do what they are told to do?   Its probable that our controllers can't stop the truth coming out and are also taking advantage of what's happening to advance their agenda!

More and more of us are realizing that thing are going the wrong way and we are heading towards disaster.   For whatever reason our leaders are no longer fixing our problems and no longer seem to care.   The majority are disillusioned and are not prepared to put up with the status quo and there are growing signs of unrest and troubles ahead e.g. protests against the austerity measures being introduced in Europe and the Tea Party Movement in the USA.

Click here for a demonstration of the way we have gradually been conditioned for many generations to accept our current predicament.   We have reached the stage where we must question why we continue to do what we are doing and find a better way forward.

I am not alone in my beliefs and views.   The following " The Age Of Revelation ", " Heaven and Hell on Earth ", " There Is No Truth " are some of many articles that express similar views.   See also a recent article " Cognitive Dissonance Defines Our Lives "

The articles at the bottom of this page are very informative and provide some explanation of whats going on in the World.

    The credit crunch has brought so much misery to the World.   The talk of a depression, high unemployment, loss of homes etc creates masses of doom and gloom and anxiety, and it is only natural that we question the contribution that money makes to society.

It is clear that the current monetary system will eventually give a few ownership of the whole World, as intended.

It is said and understood that there is no free lunch.   Although probably not recognised we've had a free lunch for the last few decades, and now it's payback time.   Who gave us this Global free lunch and why?   In fact who owns / controls / benefits from central banks, World Bank, IMF etc and are they audited?   If they are a real force for good why aren't they completely transparent so that everyone could be confident in them and truely get behind and support them.

It is believed that a moneyless society offers huge benefits to humanity and Mother Earth and set us on a path to greater fairness and equality, but politicians, investigative journalists, and media are remarkably silent!!!

The monetary system seems to be the problem not the solution, and it's high time that the middle man Money and his dubious business practices were got rid of.

An alternative suitable sustainable system must take into account the fact that we are all " equal " but have different wants, desires, passions, abilities, talents and capabilities etc.   It must deliver a happy and fulfilled life to everyone.   It must also address the unfair issues that divide us.   Since everyone is equal individual contributions to the community must be appreciated and based on the time (lifetime) contributed.   For instance compare the reward the low paid care worker and the high bonus salaried investment banker currently get.   Who would we miss most if they didn't exist?

The following proposed system generally advocates getting stuff instead of money for our labor.   Two main groups of rights and considered necessary:-

1. Global Rights
These Right would give everyone an acceptable basic standard of living.

The general principle here is that every person ( family? ) in the World would go to the local store and, within agreed limits, just collect what they need ie food, clothes and stuff etc.   Also everyone is given warm comfortable accommodation and a means of transport together with medical care and other necessary support.   In return for this, all free, a citizen in this "Global Community", say, between the age of 20 to 55 years of age would make a commitment to provide a certain number of hours of labor per week, again free, to a work force that would manufacture and provide the above entitlements.   All stuff, categorized as part of this Right and used by the citizen, would not be owned (personal stuff excepted -see 2 below), and would be returned to the Global Community when their days on Earth were over.

This "labor" would provide the agreed essentials and could eventually be as little as 2-4 hrs per week (only 5% of the population needed to run the show - see " The Zeitgeist Movement ").

Stuff produced would be meticulously designed to last and easily recycled into new stuff when no longer required.   The resources would be used with the highest possible efficiency minimizing pollution etc.   This could now be done as there is no cost ( no money involved ).

Clearly another important goal would be to reduce the labor contribution of every citizen to maximize the amount free time to pursue their chosen passion.   This would be achieved through technology using machines.   Considerations have been given to this.   Please watch the " The Venus Project - Designing the Future " short video.   In the past business has only been interested in short term profit.   If we continue as we are at present the resources will have run out before " The Venus Project " gets off the ground.   If money didn't exist " The Venus Project " could start immediately.

Inclusion of the personel made redundant from the banks, savings, insurance, mortgage, investment, share trading, hedge funds, commodity trading, advertising and sales businesses etc together with other activities such as tax/customs collection into the global work force would further considerably reduce individual citizen contribution.

Unemployment would disappear as the labor would be shared and everyone, if capable, would contribute.

2. Personal Rights
While Global Rights will ensure everyone has has an acceptable standard of living and free everyone from worry and fear of losing everything, Personal Rights are intended to liberate everyone to pursue their particular passions etc and live a happy and fulfilled life.
These Rights covers activities such as those of a cultural nature, the arts, entertainment, sport etc.
It is also accepted that everyone may want to personalize and customize their accommodation, gardens, clothes, media etc and desire items such as art which is time intensive in producing.   To enable choice a means of exchange such as credits could be introduced.   Everyone could then accumulate credits based on the time contributed to certain activities and aquire items in exchange for these credits.   This would be on a " give and take " basis with give first to accumulate credit and then take using accumulated credit.   Negative credit ie debt will not be allowed.   Freedom to transfer credits between individuals would be allowed but applying interest to transfers would not.   Personel items would be owned and could be given to anyone as at present.   Unwanted items would be recycled.

The Rights outlined above are of course proposals.   Actual Rights would be agreed democratically with everyone having an equal say.

A crude example of Global Rites are the existing welfare systems in which the society accepts that everyone should have a basic standard of living and have warm shelter, food and clothing.   Experiences of these systems could help formulate the Global Rights.
Amateur productions of the arts ( literature, theatre, music, dance, entertainment etc ) and sport together with charity activities are examples of Personal Rights in action.   These amateur activities would develop and improve with the removal of money and stand on their true merit.
Also a "loyalty card" system currently in use could be suitably adapted to form the basis of a credit system proposed above.

Money has been used to enslave and control/manipulate us for far too long.   At present we have to work to obtain money to pay for our mortgage, food, clothes, transport etc to take care of ourselves and family.   Without money we lose everything!   At present I fear we are the slaves of the Banks.   Money has been the divisive tool used to create the haves and havenots and the resultant division and problems within society.   The proposed moneyless scenario should reduce crime and conflict and reduce the size of the police and armed forces releasing still more labor for the work force.

I could go on and on espousing the benefits of the proposed alternative to the monetary system but am hard pressed to find any disadvantages.   However I forsee that the rich elite would fight it to the bitter end as they stand to lose considerable influence and power.   They also own large amounts of the resources which in money terms would be worthless.   In the interest of a better way forward an acceptable equitable solution to this problem would have to be found.   Maybe exchanging their resources for credits mentioned above is a possible solution?

From birth we have been indoctrinated into the monetary system.   Capitalism, Communism and nearly all other World economies are based on money.   We haven't known anything different and a mind set change is needed to recognize the enormous benefits of a moneyless society.   It is clear our values would change with a move to a better more natural life.

    It is clear that those who control the money control and rule the World.

The internet is awash with information on whose to blame for our problems.   The Illuminati, Zionists, Masons, Communists are a few mentioned.   However the blame game causes division which only creates conflict and hampers a resolution to our problems.

Chief Executive Officers of all companies are chosen for their ability to maximize share holder profits.  They don't have to be ethical but should operate within the law.   Companies will therefore not offer a solution and have too much political influence at present.

We, the ordinary folk, feel and know "we haven't a say in anything" and "our future is in their hands".

Oh!, How the few control and rule the many.

Our leaders are chosen by these few to maintain the status quo.   We need leaders with vision, who can see and create a way to a better future.   Here in the UK how can it be a democracy when we elect a candidate from a political party who was chosen because he/she has the same ideology and aims as the party. When elected and enters parliament the MP is forced to tow the party line by whips.   At present many of the important ministers are unelected Lords.
What we have is a top down system which is imposed on us.   A proper democracy must be a bottom up system where we elect our representative from candidates put forward by the electorate.
Clearly it is essential that we scrutinize our candidates and only elect those who represent our views and who are of " good heart ".   We must end the party system.

Globalisation and other World/ International/ United Nation institutions and organisations have lost their appeal as their huge potential for benefit and progress have been hijacked by a New World Order (NWO) as another tool (together with money) to construct a dictatorial one World state ruled by bankers.   This is clearly demonstrated by the current austerity measures being imposed by the IMF.   See ( 1 ) and ( 6 ) below.

    The current debt based monetary system depends on an ever expanding economy with an ever increasing consumption of the World's natural resources.   This system is clearly unsustainable and will eventually collapse.   This collapse could have already started with the attempted world wide reform of the Monetary System.   See also a recent article " Is Europe Coming Apart Faster Than Anticipated? ".

As outlined above a collapse of the financial system would not necessarily be the end of the World!!!

    What's going on?   Are we being forced to follow a certain path?

We live in the " Age of Competition ".   Competition means winners and losers, have and havenots, division, conflict, war etc.   Wikipedia in November 2010 stated "
Destructive competition and co-operative competition

Destructive competition seeks to benefit an individual/group/organism by damaging and/or eliminating competing individuals, groups and/or organisms; it opposes the desire for mutual survival. It is "winner takes all", the rationale being that the challenge is a zero-sum game; the success of one group is dependent on the failure of the other competing groups. Destructive competition tends to promote fear, a "strike-first" mentality and embraces certain forms of trespass.

Co-operative competition is based upon promoting mutual survival - "everyone wins". Adam Smith's "Invisible hand" is a process where individuals compete to improve their level of happiness but compete in a cooperative manner through peaceful exchange and without violating other people. Cooperative competition focuses individuals/groups/organisms against the environment.
".   It is clear that competition in general is a destructive force.

I'm sure I'm not alone in having a very uneasy feeling that we have gone too far in the wrong direction, and have an increasing feeling that we are beginning to experience a readjustment /correction / realignment which is being forced on us to bring everyone and the planet into correct sustainable balance.

We are moving into a new " Age of Cooperation ".

This seems to be the only way forward and if we don't adopt a cooperative approach fasten your seat belt it could be a very rough ride.

The end of competition doesn't mean the end of the things we enjoy.   For instance individual and team sport are unlikely to end but would be different in that the business aspects and " win at all cost " and " winner takes all " attitudes would disappear and the true skills and abilities of individual/ teams will be appreciated and celebrated.
Also the use of money or an alternative may not initially disappear but could be used purely as a means of exchange.   However it is felt that money will lose its power to control, manipulate, corrupt and enslave etc.

    On a personal level we could make an immediate difference by simply being true to ourselves and stop doing what we are told to do and just do what we know to be right.

We must realize that we as individuals are not alone but part of the whole ie " Collective ".   Our individual thoughts, knowledge, intelligence, attitudes, emotions, humanity etc contribute to Collective thought, knowledge, intelligence, attitudes, emotions, humanity etc.   We influence the Collective and the Collective influences all of us.   What we put out collectively we get back.   " Home Advantage " is probably the most recognizeable demonstration of the Collective in action.   The article " The Collective Consciousness " is a good explanation of how the Collective operates.

From what I have written it is clear that I feel that in terms of humanity and the planet the " Global Collective " is taking us towards disaster especially when consideration is given to what the poor, hungry, oppressed, and suffering contribute to this collective.   We have free will and the time has arrived when we must decide which we want " The Garden of Eden " or " Armageddon " and whatever we decide we must play our part and work for it or it will not happen.

It is clear that the elite few want it all.   They look like us but don't think and behave like us.   This is difficult for us to understand but is clearly true.
We must face the fact that, for whatever reason, we have allowed it to happen and nothing is going to change unless we, the many, take control.
We must wake up, shake off all complacency and apathy, and demand we get what we want.   If we don't most of the haves will become havenots and the current havenots will have even less, and we and especially our grandchildren can only look forward to a bleak, dismal, miserable existance of servitude!

That's all I wish to say for now.

It really is up to you and me ( US ).

November 2010.

  UPDATE - June 2011

" Dimensional Shift: The Guidance of Jesus Christ on the Threshold of Global Transformation " is a short 16,000 word free PDF book which describes the divine intervention about to take place very soon that is considered necessary for evolution to continue.   Please read and decide for yourself.

  UPDATE - 4th Quarter 2011

  The World is getting crazier by the day and understanding what's going on is becoming impossible.   A dictatorial World state ruled by bankers is rapidly being constructed with George Papandreou, a former Vice President of the European Central Bank, and Mario Monti, a former EU Commissioner and Goldman Sachs International Advisor, being installed as Prime Ministers of Greece and Italy respectively.   Is democracy dying in Europe as nations are being taken over and ruled by so called technocratic governments and an ever increasing IMF dictatorship.
  The past year has seen big changes with a strong desire for genuine change with movements such as the Arab Spring and Occupy Movement resulting from people's frustration with government's lack of desire/ability to solve problems and increasing greed, unfairness, unemployment, hoplessness and loss of liberty etc.   The Libyan scenario is very confusing.   Before the "No Fly Zone" was introduced my understanding was that Colonel Gaddafi had generally done a lot for Libya and its people.   He changed the country from a very poor one to the richest in Africa and distributed the wealth from oil amongst the people.   The story we've been told by the mainstream media has been far from complete and unbiased.
   A controversial new movie "THRIVE" has recently been released as a DVD.   It is a very informative on how the few control our lives, government, energy, food, education, healthcare etc by controlling money.   However it only goes so far with regard to explaining the control system.   Using the pyramid system it is stated that the highest position is held by the Rothschilds and their International Bank for Settlements at Basel.   Explaining what inhabits the top of the pyramid, i.e. the cap stone with the All Seeing Eye, is not attempted.  The New World control system being created by the Elite is solely to do with self interest and probably whatever really occupies the cap stone.   Some of solutions proposed are a good start but don't go far enough.   Ending the Central Banks ie FED, Bank of England, European Central Bank etc. should address the problem of creating money out of thin air but doesn't address the power of normal banks or large corporations and companies.   The Rothschild family,  with an estimated wealth of over $500 trillion,  is reputed to own over half the wealth of the entire World.   Somehow I don't think their power and control would diminish especially if applying interest continues.   Also,  this wouldn't end the profit motive and the production of free energy would still be suppressed.   The only true solution to solving our problems would be the adoption of a moneyless society as outlined above.

  By the way it appears that Cold Fusion does work but is yet another technology that is being suppressed ( see here ).
   It very interesting to note that the this movie was created and hosted by Foster Gamble, and produced and directed by his wife Kimberly Carter Gamble, who as he states are part of the Proctor and Gamble dynasty and therefore his family are part of the elite he talks about!   Also the elite make their agenda known for some reason, probably their belief system, but they don't broadcast it.   They often join/infiltrate/high jack movements to control opposition/dissent.   That said I thoroughly recommend viewing the movie.
   To many there is little new in the movie.   However for those who are beginning to realize and see that things are not what they thought they were, the movie is excellent.   The information could be overwhelming and create feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and depression, and so the movie should be viewed with discernment!
The movie is available on YouTube as "THRIVE: Trailer "   and "THRIVE: Full Movie ".
I my view "Non Compliance" is the way forward.   By "Non Compliance" I mean stop doing what we're told to do and just do what's right.   In this way we can turn things around and start going in the right direction.   It is our duty to be vigilant and take responsibility for things and not wait for others to do it for us.   In the end we stand or fall on what we do or do not do!
It should be noted that the tactic of "Nonviolent Non-compliance" used by Gandhi was so very effective and successful ( see here ).
My views are close to those expressed by Max Igan in his video "The Awakening".   "The Calling" is another excellent video of his.

  UPDATE - 1st Quarter 2012

Two informative videos recently discovered hopefully help support and clarify the information outlined above.   These videos together create a picture of what I believe is wrong in the World and offer a glimpse of a better way forward.
The videos are Max Igan's " Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance " and Jaque Fresco's " Paradise or Oblivion ".


Informative Articles:

1. The Corporate New World Order's IMF Taking Command:
    Europeans Rising Against EU Dismantling Social State

2. How Edmund de Rothschild Managed to let 179 Governments Pay Him
     for Grasping Up to 30% of the Earth

3. Three World Wars

4. Baby Boomers: Get Out of the Stock Market Now, The Rug is Being Pulled Out By Insiders

5. Architects of the New World Order

6. Globalization: The World State Is Being Constructed